While in New York I played with projections on the amazing ballet dancer and choreographer GEMMA BOND. She is such a strong and inspirational woman, holding on to her almost one-year old while she moved and danced
The ideas came about as I love hands of course and dancers’ feet are so powerful and reflect their life and training. While editing what we had played with, the theme revealed itself to be about being held back and breaking free. It may be our own fears holding us back. We have to face and overcome these. It may be our self holding us back at times, or society and all it prescribes. How we perceive ourselves and allow this perception of self to shape us. But what informs this perception, which whisperings of the rules do we listen to and should we even? Breaking free from this all we can fly, jump over our shadows… and dance dance dance
Thank you Gemma for playing with light with me
Thank you MR SAKITUMI for your music adding so much depth and emotion to this piece
“Dance,” said the Sheep Man. “Yougottadance. Aslongasthemusicplays. Yougotta dance. Don’teventhinkwhy. Starttothink, yourfeetstop. Yourfeetstop, wegetstuck. Wegetstuck, you’restuck. Sodon’tpayanymind, nomatterhowdumb. Yougottakeepthestep. Yougottalimberup. Yougottaloosenwhatyoubolteddown. Yougottauseallyougot. Weknowyou’re tired, tiredandscared. Happenstoeveryone, okay? Justdon’tletyourfeetstop.”
― Haruki Murakami, Dance Dance Dance